Cameras: the Olympus evolt 510 and evolt 410.  Both are 10 Megapixel digital SLRs.  The 510 has image stabilization, the 410 does not. Otherwise they are very similar in features and performance.

Lenses: Olympus 50-200 f/2.8-3.5, Olympus 14-54 f/2.8-3.5, Olympus 1.4x teleconverter.  Hood for the long zoom.

Batteries: One battery per camera, plus one spare for the E-510.  (E-410 and E-510 take different batteries!)

Battery Chargers: One for each battery type, plus plug converters. No voltage converter was needed because the chargers accept both 110 and 220V.

Memory Cards: Two 4GB high-speed 300x CF cards, one 2 GB xD card, and an old 256MB just in case.

Monopod: Promaster 1600 monopod with Giotto ball head.

Filter:  B+W Circular polarizer.

Portable Hard Drive: SmartDisk FlashTrax XT 80GB, with AC adapter

Also: 1.2x magnifying viewfinder for the 510, Lens wipes and cleaning solution, and E-510 manual.

Almost always, I kept the 14-54 on the E-410, and the long zoom, with teleconverter, on the E-510: image stabilization is much more important for a long zoom lens.  I sometimes removed the teleconverter, but mostly left it on. 

All of this except the battery chargers  fit in my big LowePro photo fanny pack except for the chargers, which fit easily in a small bag.

NEXT: Low-light performance


What I brought