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Overall, I'm somewhat surprised to find myself recommending Iran as a travel destination for people interested in something a bit unusual. Of course much of the reason I had such a good time was that I got a chance to see my friend, and that he and his wife showed me around, removed me of language issues, and so on. If I were on my own, or traveling with my girlfriend, things might have been a little less fun...but: many people there are eager for the chance to practice some english; essentially everybody was extremely friendly; transportation is pretty good (but hire a car and driver, don't rent a car!); the country has a remarkable range of historic sites to go with its striking scenery; food and crafts are almost incredibly cheap (though hotels are more expensive); and of course, it's one place on the planet that isn't overrun with American tourists. IF you keep a close eye on the political situation, and, if you're a woman, you are willing to make some concessions (mostly in dress) to the reality there, then you should have an interesting, even fun, visit. I intend to go back someday myself.

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