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A word puzzle

Here's a puzzle for you: there are three words that I know (that you can find in a good dictionary) that have the form "xyzxyzx"...that is, the first letter is the same as the fourth and seventh letters, etc. One of these is a pretty common word, one is less common but still not rare, and the other is pretty obscure. Click here to see all three.

Another word puzzle

OK, here's another one: there are a lots of words that have multiple meanings (e.g. the sky is blue, I'm feeling blue), and there are even some that have multiple meanings and pronunciations. But there are very few in which capitalization makes a difference: if you see the word capitalized in a sentence, you know that its pronunciation and meaning are different from if it is uncapitalized.

There are so few answers (I know only four), I'm loath to give an example. But if you really don't understand the question, click here for one of the answers. Or click here to see all of them.



With some help, I recently made a list of ethnic slurs that became non-ethnic insults.



Now, I'm making a list of slang words for "husband" or "wife".




I like language quirks, some of which can be found here: